When We Are Still Together

Jan-Ru Wan

December 2 2022 – February 12 2023 ArtSpace Raleigh, NC USA

During the initial Covid lockdown, I returned to Taiwan with my seven-year-old daughter. It was during this time that "When We Are Still Together" came to life, within the cozy confines of my mother's small apartment in Taipei, Taiwan. The project aimed to capture the surreal and almost dream-like experience of global community shutdown. I utilized a series of foot-shaped ensembles stitched onto fans, which gracefully danced across the exhibition space, symbolizing unity while avoiding physical contact.

One of the central components of the exhibition was a video featuring two feet/fans gracefully moving across the backdrop of the Taipei, Taiwan skyline. Below, a depiction of various houses and buildings underscored the stark societal inequalities that became glaringly evident as we all kept our distance. The hand-painted silk foot served as a poignant symbol, urging viewers to step into "other people's shoes," emphasizing the importance of understanding the suffering of others and nurturing a collective desire to bridge the ever-widening socioeconomic gap.

During the initial Covid lockdown, I returned to Taiwan with my seven-year-old daughter. It was during this time that "When We Are Still Together" came to life, within the cozy confines of my mother's small apartment in Taipei, Taiwan. The project aimed to capture the surreal and almost dream-like experience of global community shutdown. I utilized a series of foot-shaped ensembles stitched onto fans, which gracefully danced across the exhibition space, symbolizing unity while avoiding physical contact.

One of the central components of the exhibition was a video featuring two feet/fans gracefully moving across the backdrop of the Taipei, Taiwan skyline. Below, a depiction of various houses and buildings underscored the stark societal inequalities that became glaringly evident as we all kept our distance. The hand-painted silk foot served as a poignant symbol, urging viewers to step into "other people's shoes," emphasizing the importance of understanding the suffering of others and nurturing a collective desire to bridge the ever-widening socioeconomic gap.